Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 3 - DONE

Don't worry, I don't mean I'm done with P90X... just day 3 :) And with much good news (for myself at least.) Day 3 focused on shoulders and arms... so my worn out, beaten, broken down legs only had to hold my fat ass up :) Long story short, made it through the entire 50 minute routine and all but the last set of one-armed sideways pushups (can't remember what Tony called them.) And then I did the first half of the Ab Ripper X, furthest I've made it through. Let me tell you this... I feel amazing right now. I know that damned DOMS is going to be kicking my ass in an hour or two... when I wake up tomorrow at the very best (almost afraid of just how crippled I'm going to be tomorrow,) but right now, I'm completely invigorated. If I didn't have to pick my daughter up from girlscouts in 20 minutes, I'd be dragging my tired ass out on the bike for a nice ride to keep the juices flowing. With that said, I'll fill you in right now. Before I decided to pick up my copy of P90X, I'd started a HIIT routine. Great site online to download MP3's for numerous intervals (google HIIT if you have no idea what I'm talking about.) I'll post the link when I find it again. You pay 10 bucks up front, but have full access to downoad all their material (no monthly fee, just a one time deal.) HIIT is amazing and fully customizable and I will be incorporating it into my routine once my body adjusts to the P90X sessions and I have feeling (other than pain) in my body again :) But I've carried on enough for one evening... Going to go enjoy my chocolate milk (for recovery, if you haven't read my earlier posts...) then grab the little girl from scouts, take a hot bath to rest these tired muscles, and get me some gooooood rest tonight baby. If I'm still alive enough to report back tomorrow, I'll let ya know if I decide to do Yoga X (next disc in my routine) or improvise and find something a little less intense on my warn-out muscles.

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