Links of Interest

As I continue down my path, I find more and more great information on health and fitness.  This page will be a consolidation on any links I find interesting or helpful.

Team Beachbody - This is an excellent resource.  You can track your fitness progress, regardless of what program you use, as well as find excellent dietary info (meals specially formulated to maximize weight loss/muscle gain, whatever you're looking for), calorie/workout/etc trackers.  You can sign up for a free account or a paid membership has a few other benefits.  I use the free account myself.

HIIT MP3's (or High Intensity Interval Training) - The link is actually to  If you know what HIIT is and just want some great MP3's to time your HIIT sessions, this is your site.  If you don't know what HIIT is, do a google search (and I will try to find some better resources to link to from here to help explain it.)