Alright, so, it's been ages. I know, I've never been great at maintaining a blog, but that's mainly because I usually lose interest in, give up on, or lose access/use of/etc the item or idea I'm blogging about. In this case, I've actually been out of commission, sort of. The weather is turning colder, though, here in northern North Carolina, it's still amazingly warm for the most part most days. Still, my beloved paths grow dangerous and slick, and I've yet to obtain an exercise bike or treadmill, but I've had a very recent job change that is applying me the perfect workout 4-5 days a week. I am, once again, a parking lot attendant (I push carts, mainly,) for a large department store. I've been back at it for 3 days now (2.5, on my lunch break as I write this) and have been making terrific headway back into the land of getting fit.
6.21 miles so far today, did a hair over 10 yesterday and around 6 clocked the day before (that's half a shift, realized Google Fit want clocking my progress at lunch for some reason.)
So, I'll try to get back soon and update on my progress in the days and weeks to come.
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